News & Articles By greenlivingnews
By greenlivingnews
Green tea extract weight loss secrets explained
Every year, dozens of less-than-reputable companies seek out new ways to capitalize on Americans’ desire to lose weight, and the stakes can be huge: In the U.S. alone, consumers spend about $35 million on weight loss programs and products each year, making it a market ripe for scams. From “miracle pills” that claim to help […]
By greenlivingnews
Green juicing – The ideal fruits and vegetables to use as the base
Juicing fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to improve one’s health. Juicing is the easiest way to provide mega-doses of powerful vitamins, minerals and living enzymes into the body. It is ideal to include low-glycemic fruit and super hydrating vegetables as the base of a green juice. Juicing removes the fibers from […]
By greenlivingnews
Herbs to fight against colds, flus and chronic disease development
Many herbal compounds act to reduce inflammation and enhance our body’s immune system. Two of the most well-researched anti-inflammatory, immune-strengthening herbs are turmeric and green tea. These are great components to add to your daily regimen to strengthen your immune system and protect against colds, flus and the development of chronic disease. Some foundational principles […]
By greenlivingnews
Dark green leafies and life-enhancing chlorophyll
One of the most powerful life-giving substances on the planet is chlorophyll. This is the pigment that gives green foods their color. Chlorophyll is the major player in the photosynthetic process which allows plants to obtain energy from light by converting the sun’s rays into chemical energy. Dark green leafy veggies are nature’s greatest source […]
By greenlivingnews
Collapsing oil prices to slow green revolution as energy costs plummet
As oil prices tumble — some industry experts say prices could collapse to $40 a barrel — the global economy is being reshaped in ways that are going to be beneficial to economic growth, personal incomes and industrial expansion. But the same collapse in prices won’t be universally good, say other experts, and that is […]
By greenlivingnews
Leafy green vegetables improve heart function and reduce diabetes and obesity risk
Three independent studies have linked leafy green vegetables to reduced health risks associated with obesity, diabetes and heart complications, reinforcing the benefits of consuming a diet rich in such foods. In particular, the scientists involved in these University of Southampton and Cambridge studies point to nitrate as a key factor that makes these vegetables so […]
By greenlivingnews
Vancouver addresses food waste problem: it’s now the law to use green bins to separate foods
The issue of food waste has becoming a mounting issue, with many people across the globe expressing concern that much of the waste is not only unnecessary, but harming the health of people and the environment. So serious is the issue that the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada has made it illegal to toss […]
By greenlivingnews
B vitamin deficiency will drive you insane – here’s the best food sources
A teenage boy is admitted to a mental hospital. He screams in fear, begging to be saved from the thousands of spiders climbing up the wall – spiders no one else can see. A middle-aged woman is anemic. An elderly man is depressed. A young woman dreads her monthly cycle, knowing she will become moody […]
By greenlivingnews
Mustard, cayenne pepper and green tea boost your metabolism for weight loss
Metabolism refers to the physical and chemical processes that synthesis energy. These chemical reactions take place within the cells with help from enzymes and hormones. This process converts food and oxygen to the energy needed to run the body. Increasing the metabolism increases energy and enables weight loss. Everyone’s metabolism is different and this is […]
By greenlivingnews
Green sea slug steals photosynthesis genes by eating algae; gene transfer uncontrollable in wild
Shedding new light on the dangers associated with cultivating genetically engineered organisms, which have the potential to spread into the wild, a recent study published in The Biological Bulletin explains how genes can transfer from one species to another and become a permanent part of the other species, which then passes on these foreign genes […]
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