cancer cure
By Amy Goodrich
Red Seaweed: the radiation protection superfood you’re not getting enough of
Seaweed is a common ingredient in Japanese cuisine. However, for the average American this mystical, slimy, spinach-like vegetable is something they only know from sushi rolls or miso soup. Many may not even know it is edible, let alone know how to prepare a meal with it. While it may not look very appetizing to […]
By S.D. Wells
Why chemotherapy is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on Americans who are fighting cancer
Consider this metaphor for a moment if you really want to understand why chemotherapy fails, on average, 97% of the people who get “administered” this horrendous cocktail of cancer-causing chemicals. Imagine for a moment you are swimming in a large outdoor swimming pool with several other people, including children, who may or may not be […]
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